Exhibitions, Demos & Workshop
Exhibitions, workshop and demos
I love connecting with people who have an interest in Chinese art, sharing insights into the philosophies and ancient practices that inspire my work. Whether through exhibitions or art fairs, the fluid brush movements of Chinese painting and calligraphy are well-suited for live demonstrations, offering a glimpse into these traditional techniques.
If you’d like to arrange a demonstration, workshop, or talk for your event or group, feel free to contact me.
Additionally, we offer "The Art of Chinese Tea" sessions, where my assistant Hong presents a traditional Chinese tea ceremony alongside a talk on Chinese tea culture.
Or sign up to my newsletter (link below) if you’d like to catch me at events in both Sussex and London.
Upcoming Workshop:
1. Blissful Moment – Chinese Ink Painting & Calligraphy 🌸Details:
📅 Date & Time: Saturday, 1:30 AM – 4:30 PM, 8th February 2025
📍 Venue: West Hove Art Studio, 16 Kingsthorpe Road, Hove, BN3 5HR, UK
Book here.
2. Sparrow & Spring Blossoms - Chinese Calligraphy & Painting Workshop 🎨✨
Spring has come and the flowers are in bloom!
I’m excited to be collaborating once again with Make It Flow Festival to host a Chinese ink painting and calligraphy workshop as part of this vibrant event! This full-day festival will feature a variety of creative workshops led by talented artists, making it a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in art and well-being activities.
🌸 Sparrow & Spring Blossoms – Chinese Ink Painting & Calligraphy
📅 Date & Time: Saturday, 10am - 5pm,22nd March 2025
📍 Venue: St George’s Church, Kemptown, UK
Discover the beauty of traditional Chinese brushwork, learn the art of calligraphy, and create your own meaningful piece to take home.
For festival details and booking, click here
Looking forward to seeing you there! 🎨✨
Future Event:
Brighton AOH in May 2025, Four weekends in May 2025. Please mark the 4 weekends on your calendar.
May 3/4, 10/11, 17/18, 24/25, 2025
Past events
Chinese Painting Workshop:
10am-2pm 12th Oct. Crawley Chinese Brush Painting Group
ArtWave 2024:
Date: 20th -22nd September 2024
PV: 7pm - 9pm Friday 20th September
Open to public and free entrance: 11am - 5pm on Saturday 21st, and Sunday 22nd September 2024
Venue: Gote Barn, Gote Lane, Ringmer, BN8 5HX, Lewes , UK
Brighton AOH in May 2024, Four weekends in May 2024. Please mark the 4 weekends on your calendar.
There are 14 art trails in Brighton. I am in Fiveways art trail. Our venue number is 6 on Fiveways art trail. It is at Delicious Delights.
It is only a couple of minutes walking distance from London Road station.
In person workshop:
Chinese Painting -Calligraphy Brushstroke to Paint Blue Bamboo & A Cat: Unleash Your Creativity!
Date and Venue:
10:30am-12:30pm, 31st May Friday 2024
Venue : Hoogly tea cafe, 11 South Rd. BN1 6SB Brighton
I'm delighted to announce that I have been asked to run two Chinese brush calligraphy and painting workshops as part of the Make it Flow festival event in Brighton.
Date and Venue:
Saturday, 24th February 2024 at St George’s Church, Kemptown, Brighton.
Past Calligraphy In-Person Workshops:
Chinese Brush Calligraphy for Beginners - Tang Dynasty Yan Zhenqin's Standard Script, 顏真卿楷書多寶塔, including a special session - Chinese New Year celebration. Thursday 8th Feb. to 21st March.
In this 6-week course, Jing will share this invaluable ancient skill with you.
Chinese calligraphy & woodblock print Workshop, 迎龍年傳統雕版印年畫+寫春聯書法工坊 Celebrate Chinese New Year - The year of the Water Dragon,CNY Celebration in Art Style.
Come join us to celebrate Chinese New Year, the Year of the Water Dragon 龍年.
Date and Venue:
3-5pm, 3rd Feb. Saturday 2024
Venue : Hoogly tea cafe, 11 South Rd. BN1 6SB Brighton
Chinese brush painting: Autumn 2023 10 weeks course.
Chinese brush calligraphy: Autumn 2023 10 weeks course.
2023 Exhibitions:
1. AOH Artist Open House May 2023, Brighton
2. The Maker's Fair at One Garden, August 2023, Brighton
3. Lewes ArtWave September 2023, Ringmer
Lewes ArtWave Exhibition, September 2022
I will be joining 10 other local talented artists to exhibit our artworks at Cote Barn on Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th of September as part of artwavefestival.
We are The Collective at Gote Farm which is venue 33 on the trail map.
It is under the list Surrounding village - Rural Trail - Ringmer
Please mark the two days on your calendar.
Venue 33:
The Collective at Gote Farm
Gote Barn, Ringmer. Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 5HX
Time & date:
11:00 - 17:00
Saturday, 16th, and Sunday, 17th of September 2023
One weekend only!
Cote Barn, a wedding venue, is located in the beautiful Sussex countryside village of Ringmer, with free parking. It is also accessible by public transport.
12th -13th August 2023, 11am -5pm, at One Garden Brighton
Stanmer Park, Lewes Rd, Brighton BN1 9SE
Some of my new paintings and calligraphy work will be displayed there.
AOH 2023 Artist Open House (Free entry)
4 weekends in May 2023
11:00 am - 17:00 pm
6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, 20th, 21st, 27th, 28th May 2023
We are number 17 on Fiveways trail which is Delicious Delights. I will be exhibiting with 11 other artists and makers.
Some of my new collections :
Venue: 60 Florence Road, Fiveways, Brighton BN1 6DJ
It is only 2 minutes walk from London Rd. station. Or there are off road display parking on both sides of One Church where is just down the road from our venue.
Delicious cakes will be available in the garden.
Live Demo
I will be giving a live demo of Chinese brush painting and calligraphy at 3pm on 13th May as part of AOH activity.
There is a little bit about me on AOH 2023 website.
The Society of Eastbourne Artists Annual Exhibition
Exhibition in organised by The Society of Eastbourne Artists
Date: 20th & 21st May 2023
Time: 10am -4pm
Venue: Eastbourne Town Hall
Live Demo:
For SEA The Society of Eastbourne Artists, on 16th Feb. 2023, in Eastbourne Town Hall
I had one of the amazing audiences and delivered my live talk and painting in front of 40 artists.
As a return artist tutor, I gave a live workshop to the Chinese painting group in Chichester.
20th Feb. 2023, in Lavant, Chichester, West sussex
19th Feb. 2023 Sunday 2pm-4pm
Workshop - Chinese Painting & Calligraphy, Ink Bamboo & Sparrows, Calligraphy Love, inspired by Valentine's Day
Venue: Hoogly tea lodge, Brighton
29th Jan. Sunday 2pm -4pm
Chinese Painting & Calligraphy Workshop, Dreams of a New Moon, Lantern Festival 元宵節 in Ink Painting
Venue: Hoogly tea lodge, Brighton
15th Jan. Sunday 2pm-4pm
CNY celebration The Year of Rabbit in Chinese painting art
Venue: Hoogly tea lodge, Brighton
Past Exhibitions:
The Autumn Weekender - The Maker's Fair Artist
1st -2nd Oct. 2022, 11am -5pm, at One Garden Brighton
Stanmer Park, Lewes Rd, Brighton BN1 9SE
Some of my new paintings and calligraphy work will be displayed there.
ArtWave, Lewes Artist Open House ---Ringmer trail
10th Saturday & 11th Sunday September 2022, 11am -5pm, at Gote Barn, Gote Lane, Ringmer, East Sussex, BN8 5HX, UK
13th -14th August 2022, 11am -5pm, at One Garden Brighton
Stanmer Park, Lewes Rd, Brighton BN1 9SE
Some of my new paintings and calligraphy work will be displayed there.
My stand will be in the indoor stall. Myself will be there for both days. Hope to see some of you.
This year, I won't do a demo in the demo area. But I will be giving demo of Brush painting on both Saturday and Sunday at my own desk in my stand. It will be around 1:30pm.
I will also give a Guqin performance on both days. It will be in the afternoon around 3pm.
Past events
AOH Artist Open House 2022
I am thrilled to be exhibiting with 17 other talented artists as part of Brighton’s Artists Open Houses.
7th May - 29th May 2022, on both Saturday and Sunday 11am-5pm
Myself will be there:-
Saturday PM 2-5pm on 14th, 21st May
Sunday AM 11am - 2pm on 8th, 29th May
4 weekends only, Artist Open Houses, at 358 Ditchling Road Open House, Brighton, UK BN1 6JG
Here is a little tour of my paintings displayed in our artist open house.
Zoom workshop:
The Simple Art of Chinese Brush Painting for beginners:
A 4 weeks course, but you will learn a life time skill. Please view details here.
Face to Face Workshop:
Coming soon ...
Live Demo
Chinese Brush painting and calligraphy live demonstration
3pm -4pm on Saturday 21st May, one off
Artist Open Houses, Fiveways Art Trail
at 358 Ditchling Road Open House, Brighton, UK BN1 6JG
Face to Face Workshop:
Special one off Chinese brush painting and calligraphy workshop with lunch:
Come join us to celebrate Chinese New year, the year of the tiger
Chinese Painting & Calligraphy Workshop with special Chinese food for lunch
Time : 11:30am -14pm 27 Jan. 2022
Cost : £35 per person, limited numbers, book by 24th Jan. All materials provided
Suitable for beginners & intermediate
Bring your own materials at £30 per person
You can choose the options at the check out.
The venue will be at the beautiful seafront boutique & spa hotel, The Charm Lounge Hotel
Address : 20-21 New Steine, Kemptown, Brighton BN2 1PD
Christmas Pop-Up

Lewes Artwave Artist Open House ---Ringmer trail
25th Saturday & 26th Sunday September 2021, 10am -5pm, at Gote Barn, Gote Lane, Ringmer, East Sussex, BN8 5HX, UK
Maker's Fair Demo Artist
14th August 2021, 11am -5pm, at One Garden Brighton, Stammer Park, Brighton, UK
AOH Artists’ Open Houses 2021
29th May - 27th June 2021, weekends only, Artists’ Open Houses, at 358 Ditchling Road Open House, Brighton, UK
6th - 8th November, Online Celebrate at Home with Country Living pop-up artist exhibition
7th of March 2020 - The Makers Fair, St Augustine’s events centre, Stanford Avenue, Brighton BN1 6EA 11am - 5pm
16th Aug-18th Aug 2019 - Lewes Art Wave, Gote Barn, Ringmar 3days 11am - 5pm
13th July 2019 YouLan Qin Society Guqin Yaji event, Bloomsbury Gallery, 34 Bloomsbury St, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 3QJ
17th Aug 2019 - Lewes Art Wave, Gote Barn, Ringmar 3days 2pm-3pm
2nd Oct. 2019 - Cultural Event, YouLan Qin Society, Tower Hamlets, Queen Mary University, Mile End Rd, Bethnal Green, London E1 4NS